2045: The Big Conversation


Net Zero by 2045

How will Scotland’s Built Environment and Construction sector deliver the Just Transition to net zero by 2045? That’s the question bringing together a diversity of voices for a series of Conversations ahead of the launch of the draft national Plan in Spring 2024.

Grant-funded by the Scottish Government, SEDA is working with BE-ST, Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Futures Trust, Historic Environment Scotland, UK Green Building Council and many other organisations to host a series of 5 Conversations on key themes during February and March, later to be shared online.

The 5 participatory workshop Conversations will focus on the effective delivery of systems change over a generation - what are the pathways and processes we need to adopt so that our Transition is effective and efficient, Just and inclusive? How do we build the capacity and connection needed for systems and culture change?

SEDA invites stakeholder organisations to contribute to co-designing and participating in these national Conversations. Specifically, we invite you to watch this introductory video, to let us know what you think the key issues we should be discussing, and to propose participants who can give voice to delivery as future change leaders.

We encourage stakeholder participants to develop shared interests beyond current partners that they can develop into specific delivery strategies over the 5 days, which go beyond what is currently in play. Let’s move the conversation forward. 

The Conversations will be filmed and edited versions shared online following the events. Key findings will be distilled and fed back to the Scottish Government in relation to specific elements of the Just Transition policy delivery.

2045: the Big conversation

Conversation Dates

Tuesday 13th February 2024: Becoming the Future

Friday 16th February 2024: Our New Material Culture

Wednesday 21st February 2024: Our Future Workforce

Monday 11th March 2024: Money

Monday 25th March 2024: Delivering the Future

Typical day programme

9am – 10am: Registration & Side Options

10am – 10.15am: Setting the Scene

10.15am – 11.15am: 3 Priming Presentations

11 .15am– 12.30am: The Star of Discussion

12.30pm – 1.30pm: Lunch

1.30pm – 2.00pm: Case Study Presentation

2.00pm – 4.00pm: Conversation

4.00pm – 5.30pm: Optional Extras

To give us your input, ask to participate, or just for more information, please email: BigConversation@seda.uk.net


The 5 Conversations

Click on the pages below to discover more about each conversation


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